Baseball, Ohio (Part 9)
Writer's note: As we await Judge Parker's promised November 12 decision, we will continue to exam the famous merger name decision following the annexation of Basil to Baltimore. Will it be to retain the name Baltimore or will we become Baseball, Ohio? In Part 9 we will review some of the history of the conflict including the merger understanding after it was ratified in November of 1945 and look at some more suggested names for the merger. One suggestion was a take-off on Liberty Union and LU, one was put to music and one came in a dream.
April 17, 1947
Twin City News
Town and Village Names:
"We in this community have become very name conscious: the people sound ridiculous, outlandish, or freakish and some say crazy. You who have traveled over our country have seen many odd sounding names and had you been as name conscious as you are at the present you would have wondered how and why they were given the names that they have. Refer to any road map and you will find them...The name BASIL came from Basel, Switzerland. The name Baltimore comes from Lord Baltimore who came from England with a number of settlers and settled in Maryland. Baltimore, Maryland was named in his honor. Should his name have been Lord Baseball then in all probability Baltimore, Maryland, would have been Baseball, Maryland, and what was formerly New Market and Rome Side (writer's note: New Market was chosen as the first name of the east end by the settlers lead by Henry Hildebrandt who came from New Market, Virginia, in the Shenandoah Valley. Rome Side was named by an early settler with Henry Heimberger who had a fascination for the Roman Empire. Rome Side was absorbed by Baltimore by 1828. The north end of Baltimore is still referred to as Romeside) here would have been Baseball, Ohio...In conclusion, keep this in mind. Baltimore and Basil were united January 1, 1946, as a result of a 2 to 1 vote in Baltimore, as it was at that time, and a 3 to 1 vote in Basil as it was at that time. This vote was cast at the previous November, 1945, election and was a result of a petition of over 700 people living in this community in which the petition specifically stated 'this with the understanding the new name will be neither Basil or Baltimore. The new name to be chosen by the people.The people at a recent straw vote chose Baseball by 345 votes, about 49 per cent of the total votes cast. Considerably over 500 legal residents have already signed the petition to Common Pleas Court for the name Baseball..."
March 20, 1947
Twin City News
"Next Tuesday, March 25th, the voters of Baltimore and Basil will be asked to vote on the name of the merged towns. We request the voters to consider the name Ellyew, Ohio, for the following reasons: It is and has been the name of our consolidated school for a goodly number of years. It means 'Liberty Union,' that for which the entire world is now striving. It is that which has built these United States of America; the nation with the highest living standards in the world, a nation of which we can be justly and humbly proud. It stands alone and can not be taken for any other name, since there is no other town with that name. Consider this well and write into the ballot. ELLYEW, O."

May 15, 1947
Twin City News
Letter to The Editor:
"Editor, Twin City News: I had a dream about Basil and Baltimore and the future name our town and in that dream everything worked out so peacefully and lovely I thought it might interest you. I dreamed both towns were deserted. On the West Side all Basil was gathered in a business meeting under a wise and kind chairman,. I heard the motion made and carried: Since Baltimore loves the name Baltimore so much, let us give in, settle it peacefully and call the consolidated town Baltimore.
Now on the East Side all of Baltimore was gathered together for the same purpose. I heard a woman chairman call for a motion and, bless Pat, it was just like the Basil motion: Since Basil loves the old name of Basil so much let us give in to them and call our village Basil. But that sensible human way left them in the same kind of muddle they were before. What to do now? On the North, behind the school house all the folks of Liberty Township were breathlessly waiting for the outcome. Now both the Baltimore and Basil crowd united and went over to the Liberty Union folks with their perplexing problem. And this crowd became one interested, earnest group , determined to settle this name question. I saw a man rise and call out: Mr. Chairman, I read a letter last week that contains the solution of this whole problem. It is the most sensible thing said or written in this whole controversy. It was signed by P.H. Snider: 'Let's move forward and not backward. Keep up the unity started with the Liberty Union School system.' I move that we name the consolidated village after the school: Liberty Union. And now from everywhere came shouts of: 'Second the motion.' A cheer arose from that wholehearted group. The chairman allowed them to blow off steam, rapped for order and called for a vote. It was unanimous! A. Reader."
April 10, 1947
Twin City News
(Tune of "Red River Valley") By J.C. Smith
As I was walking down the street,
Amid the rumble and the roar,
I heard a little birdie say
Oh' Retain the name Baltimore.
As I was talking to a gentleman,
I heard his dear wife give a call.
And she said, dearie, dearie, dearest
I dare you to vote for Baseball.
And now that springtime has come
Oh' Won't we have lots of fun.
We'll try to retain Baltimore
And we'll put old Baseball on the run.
And now we hope Baltimore will stay.
And old Baseball will quietly pass away.
And now I wonder what Baseball folks will say
When Baltimore folks have had their way.
And now it's almost time for bed
So we hope Baseball will soon be dead.
We will blow the whistle, toll the bell,
And now we bid Baseball farewell."
Jim N. Reed